Picture of Brad Tinnon

Brad Tinnon

Articles of Interest

Throughout the week, I run across articles written by other people that may be of interest to you. This week, there are two articles I’d like to highlight.

The first is an article from Josh Brown titled You Have Five Choices. In this article he correctly points out that the S&P 500 is at record high valuations. Josh offers up several options that a person has in regards to this information. However, in today’s world, we are bombarded with tons of information which can make it difficult to know the best way to invest. This can often times lead to a person not doing anything because they’re paralyzed with information. But in my opinion, doing nothing may very well be the best option so long as you have an investment strategy that makes sense. Also be sure to check out a recent blog post that I wrote titled Is The Market Too Expensive, which will give you more insight into what we believe is a sound investment strategy.

Perhaps you’ve heard of bitcoin recently. Is this something you should invest in? This second article is from Sumit Roy titled 3 Investing Legends On Bitcoin. In this article, three investors give their take on the rise of bitcoin and whether or not it is worth investing into.

Hope you enjoy!

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Brad E.S. Tinnon


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