Picture of Brad Tinnon

Brad Tinnon

B.E.S.T. Wealth’s Response to COVID-19

In light of the fast spreading Coronavirus, I wanted to let you know how B.E.S.T. Wealth Management is handling this crisis. As many of you know our office complex experienced a flood back in December. Due to insurance company delays, our office still has not yet been repaired. As such, while many businesses are just now enacting their Business Continuity Plan due to the Coronavirus, our Business Continuity Plan has been in full effect since December. So, while the flood was an unexpected / unpleasant event, it has been a silver lining in the wake of the COVID-19 disaster.

Years ago, I structured B.E.S.T. Wealth Management to be operational no matter what disaster would come our way. Our business operates 100% in the cloud and as a result, we are able to conduct business anywhere there is an internet connection. As such, it’s business as usual for B.E.S.T. Wealth Management, which allows us to continue working with clients during this financially uncertain time.

In response to the Coronavirus, we are closely monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). At this time, B.E.S.T. Wealth Management is taking the following precautions to help prevent the spread of this fast moving illness:

  • Reminded all clients of our ability to meet with them virtually if they choose. We still have the ability to meet in the conference room at our office complex, but we encourage clients and prospects to take advantage of virtual meetings if necessary.
  • Instructed all employees to stay home and not go to work if they are sick in any capacity.
  • Instructed all employees to maintain good hand hygiene and health etiquette by washing hands frequently with soap and water, covering mouth and nose with a tissue / elbow when sneezing, using hand sanitizer often, etc…
  • We are routinely wiping down all surfaces including doorknobs, desks, computers, keyboards, and mice with disinfectant wipes. 
  • Disposable disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and tissues have been made available to employees that choose to work at the office.

Our goal is to do our part to help prevent the spread of this virus and to continue to provide service to clients during this difficult time. We hope and pray that you are healthy and unaffected by this illness!

Brad Tinnon, Owner



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