Picture of Brad Tinnon

Brad Tinnon

(VIDEO) Market Volatility (Part 1): Tune Out the Noise

In light of the recent / significant volatility that the stock market has experienced, I decided to put together a series of videos addressing it.

I know the volatility has created a lot of angst and concern for people. We’ve been hearing from clients whether or not they should make a change to their portfolios. Those who are in retirement are extra concerned since they are taking money out of a declined portfolio.

It’s for these reasons that I wanted to address the market volatility. So, over the next 5 business days I will be sending out a video blog addressing the recent market declines. Each day will be a bite-sized reason discussing why I’m not concerned and why you shouldn’t be concerned either. Today’s topic is on “Tuning Out the Noise” so that you can “hear” that these recent stock market declines are not as bad as people are making them out to be!

If you have any questions about how the stock market volatility has impacted you, please feel free to Contact Us.

If you’re new to our blog and don’t want to miss out on the other market volatility blogs that I’ll be sending out over the next several days, then sign up for our eContent.

Please feel free to share any thoughts, comments, or questions below.    

Brad E.S. Tinnon


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