Picture of Brad Tinnon

Brad Tinnon

What Does A Comprehensive Financial Plan Look Like?

Many people don’t truly know what comprehensive financial planning is.

They don’t understand that it is a process whereby a Financial Planner helps them to: (1) increase cash flow, (2) minimize taxation, (3) protect their assets (think cars, homes, investments, income, etc.), (4) be proactive and minimize risks, (5) pass assets efficiently and cost effectively to heirs, (6) and many other items.

In a nutshell, comprehensive financial planning is simply a way to protect you, your family, and your assets.  It is a way to help you make sound financial decisions.  For a more thorough explanation check out our blog titled What Is Comprehensive Financial Planning?

So, due to the confusion associated with what comprehensive financial planning is, I thought it would be helpful if you saw a Sample Comprehensive Financial Plan that we routinely create for our clients.

This is a basic plan that gives you an idea of how we work with our clients.  Every client’s situation is unique and some plans may require more detail. But you will get the idea.

We would love to hear any comments you have, so please leave them below.  Also, if you’re just finding our blog for the first time, feel free to sign up for our eContent so that you can receive future valuable info.

Brad E.S. Tinnon



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